Monday, September 8, 2008

Welcome To My First Blog!

Hello All!

Thank you for checking us out! Sweet As Honey is our new family baby. I have been looking for an outlet for my creativity and a way to share it with others for a while now and I finally got my stuff together and got it out there! I'm hoping to make people happy with my creations and give them something special and personal to love.
Please check out our store at:
I also fell in love with the products and ideas for your home at Uppercase Living. So we added it to our home and decided to spread the news so others could add it to theirs. Please check this out, the possibilities are endless!
My UpperCase Living Site:
(copy and paste to your browser with no 'www')
About Me:
With our companies I hope to provide a little extra for my family, Dan's hoping to be a stay-at-home-Daddy, as soon as possible :) I have a sweet little girl that is three going on 10 and a little boy that just started walking, which opens up all kinds of new ways to find trouble. I've been married to a supportive, wonderful husband for 9 years and couldn't be happier than I am at this moment. Every year gets better and we are so blessed. Thanks again for stopping by!

1 comment:

FordFamily said...

Beth made guitar shirts for my three year old (who loves to ROCK) and our new baby boy. They are unbelievably cute! She also made Baby Miles a turtle shirt, and people always comment on how adorable it is. We will need to order a new one now that his Buddha belly is getting so big! :)