Thursday, October 2, 2008

Autumn Is Here!

There's a crispness to the air in the evenings and it makes me so excited for candy apples, punkin' pie and cute, little trick-o-treaters. This will be the first year my daughter will hopefull understand whats going on outside and get to participate, so we are so excited for the season to begin!
All this talk of fall makes me get the itch to do some Christmas shopping! I'm hoping toget a head start this year and do as many homemade purchases as possible. I've found so many adorable creations on etsy so I posted them to share with everyone. And of course, I'm adding lots of new warm fuzzies for everyone, so keep and eye out there too!

How cute are these?!

I adore all of her stamps! So adorable!

Oh my, makes my mouth water!

And of course, see me to keep your tootsies warm!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

High Hopes

Today I have my goodies posted on the Children's page on Etsy, hoping to get some new people to see my creations. So far so good!

I am so excited about the booties I've made with the fabric lining! Two of my favorite things smashed together, yarn and fabulous fabrics. Of both, I have quite the collection. Believe it or not this was my hubby's ingenious idea, of which he has given me another idea that I am so excited to get started on. Look for that coming soon! I love how this has become such a family affair. Every pair I start, Emma inspects and asks if those are for her and I tell her they are for other sweet babies. I know she's hoping the next pair will be for her, I think I've created a little shoe lover! My son on the other hand, would prefer to be bare foot at all times, better for traction, being a new walker and all.

Best wishes to all!
Love ~Beth

Monday, September 8, 2008

Welcome To My First Blog!

Hello All!

Thank you for checking us out! Sweet As Honey is our new family baby. I have been looking for an outlet for my creativity and a way to share it with others for a while now and I finally got my stuff together and got it out there! I'm hoping to make people happy with my creations and give them something special and personal to love.
Please check out our store at:
I also fell in love with the products and ideas for your home at Uppercase Living. So we added it to our home and decided to spread the news so others could add it to theirs. Please check this out, the possibilities are endless!
My UpperCase Living Site:
(copy and paste to your browser with no 'www')
About Me:
With our companies I hope to provide a little extra for my family, Dan's hoping to be a stay-at-home-Daddy, as soon as possible :) I have a sweet little girl that is three going on 10 and a little boy that just started walking, which opens up all kinds of new ways to find trouble. I've been married to a supportive, wonderful husband for 9 years and couldn't be happier than I am at this moment. Every year gets better and we are so blessed. Thanks again for stopping by!